Friday, 19 April 2013

Tyler Perry Says Orlando Jones's News Was A Prank

Orlando Jones fooled every one with us April fool prank saying he would replace Tyler Perry as Madea in a future movie

Perry told Sister2Sister Magazine that it was an April fool’s joke.

Many Madea’s fans swore never support Orlando as Madea and suggested the character be discontinued as an alternative.

Well that will be the end of Madea!!!!!” wrote S2S Facebook friend Jimmy McIntyre. Sandy Lee posted: “I can’t picture that in my mind… only ONE Madea…..”
Tyler apparently agrees with those fans’ sentiments. “When I’m done with Madea, she is done,” he said

Orlando tweeted the false news earlier this month, and several media outlets picked up the story. However, it was curious that Tyler, who has a pretty active social media presence, didn’t confirm the reports.
Tyler, who’s working on new series with Oprah Winfrey for her OWN network, was apparently too busy counting the estimated $45 million in earnings from his latest film Temptation, to refute Orlando’s “joke” at the time.