Thursday 21 February 2013

Kandi Burruss Says I know I am A Sinner But Listen To My Song

Kandi Burruss

Kandi Burruss is facing some form of pressure, for trying her hand at Gospel music. On a recent RHOA episode, the 36-year-old singer/producer gave fans her diverse musical capabilities by showing her recording a gospel song, ‘Stay Prayed Up’. After the episode aired, Kandi wrote a message explaining why she decided to try non-secular music and gave a bit of background on just how well she knows Jesus (my words, not hers). She wrote:

On this episode of #RHOA you see part of the gospel song I was working on. I knew when I decided to do it that I would be criticized. That’s to be expected. I’m a single mom that had a child out of wedlock, I speak openly about sex on #KandiKoatedNights, I have #BedroomKandi, etc… I’m very honest about who I am. My great grand father & my grandfather were Bishops in The Church of God Holiness. I believe in God but I have always struggled with the rules of the church, just like a lot of people. The song “Stay Prayed Up” is like a testimony for me. Hopefully people with a similar struggle can relate. I’m posting the lyrics to the hook. I’m looking forward to you hearing the whole song next week!

All week, fans and critics have tweeted Kandi, chiming in on whether they agree with her going gospel. She responded to a few twitter followers, clarifying her intentions:
I’m not doing a gospel album. Its a single. I look forward to hearing your opinion after you hear it…no mixed signals. The song clearly states that I’m a sinner. Relates 2 people who believe n God but they’re not perfect christians…the song is my testimony of what I’ve been thru & how I deal with things. I think a lot of people will relate.

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